Seorang Daffa, bayi yang disematkan nama Khatulistiwa di bagian akhirnya, baru merasakan dinginnya air laut bersama semilir anginnya saat jelang usia 9 bulan. Wollongong "The Gong", kota yang berjeda 4 jam dari tempat tinggalnya di pedalaman Australia - Canberra, menjadi pesisir yang terpilih untuk menjalankan momen 'sakral' Daffa.
Di negeri asalnya, laut melingkupi untaian pulau-pulau yang melintang manis di lajur khatulistiwa. Saat baru berusia 4 bulan, Daffa keburu 'merantau' ke negeri seberang selatannya. Tak sempat orang tuanya mengajaknya mencicipi aroma laut yang renyah nan hangat di seputar equator. Perjalanan ke Wollongong diikhtiari sebagai pengenalan Daffa tentang laut yang semoga jadi karibnya sepanjang hayat.
Nak, Bapakmu persembahkan video perjalanan ini agar jadi prasasti penting untuk mengingatkanmu tentang momen penting pada awal-awal kehidupanmu. Semoga kau bisa tersenyum manis saat kau bisa mulai memahami makna imaji ini.
A Daffa, baby pinned Khatulistiwa name at the end, finally feel the chill of seawater with the breezy wind in the age of 9 months. Wollongong "The Gong", four hours from his home in the outback of Australia - Canberra, became the coastal elected to run the moment 'sacred' of Daffa.
In his origin country, the sea is surrounding the thousand islands where lay along equator line. When 4 months old, Daffa migrated to the south neighbour country. There is no time for his parents to bring him tasting the crisp flavor of the warm sea around the equator. The trip to Wollongong is efforted as Daffa's sea introduction that can be memorable for his throughout life.
Son! Your Dad dedicates this video for an important monument to remind you of an moment in the early life. May you smile sweetly when you can begin to understand the meaning of this video.
Video ini memiliki pranala di kanal Youtube Iqbal Kautsar :
Pengambilan gambar: @iqbal_kautsar & @mega_handayani
Penyuntingan dan pewarnaan: @iqbal_kautsar
Latar musik: Lights & Motion - Home
In his origin country, the sea is surrounding the thousand islands where lay along equator line. When 4 months old, Daffa migrated to the south neighbour country. There is no time for his parents to bring him tasting the crisp flavor of the warm sea around the equator. The trip to Wollongong is efforted as Daffa's sea introduction that can be memorable for his throughout life.
Son! Your Dad dedicates this video for an important monument to remind you of an moment in the early life. May you smile sweetly when you can begin to understand the meaning of this video.
Video ini memiliki pranala di kanal Youtube Iqbal Kautsar :
Pengambilan gambar: @iqbal_kautsar & @mega_handayani
Penyuntingan dan pewarnaan: @iqbal_kautsar
Latar musik: Lights & Motion - Home
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Foto keluarga The Kautsar di tengara Wollongong: Lighthouse Flagstaff |
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Nak, kau harus jadi karib sang laut ya. Di Pantai Port Kembla, Daffa pertama menyapa air laut. |
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Mari swafoto dulu... |
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Bersama meramaikan Wollongong. Manusia dan para camar laut. |
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Sudut lorong di Queen Street, pusat kota Wollongong. |